Why inspect tanks? Why indeed. On January 15, 1919, a crowded section of this city was rocked by a massive tidal wave, not of water but of molasses. The spill occurred when a holding tank lost structural integrity and burst.

Over two-million gallons of sticky, brown syrup inundated the city’s streets, killed citizens and horses, and ruined buildings, vehicles, and an elevated train platform.

Twenty-one people lost their lives, and one-hundred and fifty more were injured. The cause of the disaster was determined years after the incident following a drawn-out court case.

In response to the flood, the city instituted a policy regulating aboveground storage tanks (AST’s) that held more than 10,000 gallons of liquids other than water.

Which city suffered from an abundance of molasses?

1. Berlin
2. Los Angeles
3. Toronto
4. Boston
5. Helsinki

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