Optometrists generally recommend most people get their vision tested every one to two years, however for people working in professions where strong and accurate vision is necessary to carry out the functions of their job, the testing requirements differ. Professionals in the nondestructive testing industry must rely on their sight to make judgements during visual inspections, so more frequent vision tests ensure that professionals can continue to conduct nondestructive testing procedures safely and effectively.

Nondestructive testing inspectors must have the ability to see and identify colors used in testing procedures and technologies. Industry professionals work to prevent catastrophic disasters that can be caused by slight and difficult to detect flaws, corrosion, and cracks. Despite changes and advancements in the industry over the last four decades, vision testing standards have largely remained the same because the job of a nondestructive testing employee continues to require the ability to detect flaws and determine their size, impact, and risk factors safely and efficiently. Basic visual inspections account for the bulk of inspection procedures in many cases, therefore professionals must regularly test their vision and correct any changes in eyesight. Testing is required every one to two years, however the required testing exceeds that of the traditional vision exam.

Similar professions have stricter vision requirements similar to those in the nondestructive testing industry, such as Aviation Maintenance Technicians.