At Nova Data, we want to help shape a world where economic growth and innovative production techniques improves the lives of all people and makes our planet a better place for ourselves and future generations. We want to use our talents in inspection and testing technology to insure a safe, environmentally conscience work place and generate world class quality reports that reflect this commitment. We encourage each team member to pursue their life’s goals so that they remain engaged and focused on their work energy in the important tasks that has been entrusted to our company.
Mission Statement and 12 Points of Culture
Nova Data is committed to bring the best testing and inspection techniques to our customers to ensure accurate inspection results and reports that support effective asset management.
Outage Time Constraints
Outages are hectic and expensive so work needs to be done timely.Nova Data's Solution
Experience, efficiency, and flexibility to plan projects within time requirements.
Lack of Available Personnel
Companies need personnel that are inspection experienced and available.Nova Data's Solution
Provide expert who is familiar with the equipment and can work independently of the customer by being prepared for the job with proper planning and communications.
Reduce Cost & Increase Profits
Accurate and timely inspections impact the bottom line.Nova Data's Solutions
Provide motivated staff who are dedicated to the efficiency and accuracy of the project.
Effective Asset Management
Desire to reduce liability and equipment failures for greater value.Nova Data's Solutions
Our services provide accurate and easy to use information to predict equipment life cycle and repair schedules as well as reducing downtime and increasing safety conditions.
Communication Challenges
Effective management of inspection projects involve clear and effective communication.Nova Data's Solution
Submit as-needed critical information (daily project progress reports) and deviations from the schedule and effort.
Data Management and Access to Data
Inspections result in lots of data and clients need access for review.Nova Data's Solutions
Online web-reports on a password-secure system, allowing customers to access their report data 24/7.